3 Questions to get to the root of your emotions

Hey Reader!

Did you know that your emotions are actually action signals?

This means that your emotions come up with the purpose of bringing something to your attention that needs to shift.

They hold the information to actually move out of that emotion!!


So, how do you uncover their message?

You get curious about the root of your emotions...

Here are 3 questions to help you cultivate this curiosity towards your emotions:

  1. What does this emotion feel like in my body? What thoughts are coming up?
  2. When did I start feeling this emotion/ what triggered it?
  3. What is in my highest good to know about this emotion right now?

These questions will also help understand why your emotions are coming up.

Here are some examples of possible messages your emotions are sending you:

1. You need to take action to change something
2. There is a disconnect between what you are doing and what your soul wants
3. You need to rebalance something
4. Something does not feel right within
5. You need to take a moment to turn within and understand your current state

Do you resonate with any of these?

P.S. Understanding the message & root of your emotions can be overwhelming. If you are feeling that way right now, it's okay. Take it step by step. I'm always here for you if you feel you want extra support working through your emotions.


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