landscape photography of waves and clouds

Do you need to rewire your emotional subconscious?

Your subconscious stores A TON of prewired emotional reactions. These develop over time and get stronger with each emotion you trap! And chances are you have some subconscious conditioning around your emotions that you don't even know are effecting you Reader. Or maybe you do know but feel trapped in that conditioning and don't know how to shift out of it. Are you in one of those spaces? Here's some more insight on this... Right now, your emotional subconscious is wired based on: The meaning...
photography of calm body of water

3 Questions to get to the root of your emotions

Hey Reader! Did you know that your emotions are actually action signals? This means that your emotions come up with the purpose of bringing something to your attention that needs to shift. They hold the information to actually move out of that emotion!! WOAH!! So, how do you uncover their message? You get curious about the root of your emotions... Here are 3 questions to help you cultivate this curiosity towards your emotions: What does this emotion feel like in my body? What thoughts are...

Do you have trapped mindsets?

Trapped mindsets are the result of trapped emotions & traumas. They are the internal and external expression of the emotions and traumas you have suppressed. They are the: beliefs perspectives stories mindsets ...that you adopt as a result of past trauma. Here's an example of what this looks like: Say as a child someone felt sadness (emotion) as a result of their pet dog running away (trauma). However, the response they received from their parent was “don’t cry, you’re being overdramatic.” As...

I'm gonna be a bit candid today...

I'm not gonna lie, the past couple weeks I was in a deep & chaotic space… My emotions were all over the place. I felt stuck and frustrated. And it took me some time to actually understand what I was feeling. So, I want to share with you,Reader, what that process looked like & what came from it... I first felt it as overwhelm in workload Than anxiety & a feeling of being stuck that made me feel panicked began coming up I then began to notice something needed healing & releasing but felt really...