I'm gonna be a bit candid today...

I'm not gonna lie, the past couple weeks I was in a deep & chaotic space…

My emotions were all over the place.

I felt stuck and frustrated.

And it took me some time to actually understand what I was feeling.

So, I want to share with you,Reader, what that process looked like & what came from it...

  1. I first felt it as overwhelm in workload
  2. Than anxiety & a feeling of being stuck that made me feel panicked began coming up
  3. I then began to notice something needed healing & releasing but felt really confused as to what it was so I ended up projecting the root in the wrong place
  4. However, it started showing up physically because I was still fighting going deeper with it. "The body expresses what the mind suppresses".
  5. Because of the physical symptoms, I FINALLY turned towards it & gained some clarity through outside support - my mind was too clouded by my own emotions to really understand it on my own.

So, after a few days of receiving insight, support, and trying my best not to run, this is what I uncovered...

What was occurring within:
My mind had been working against my soul, AKA my ego's protection mechanism was on HIGH ALERT. Old mindsets, critical thoughts, fears of uncertainty, lack of worthiness, scarcity, timeline & performance expectations were keeping me stuck. And were mirroring back to me in my external world, holding me back from flow & seeing true reality.

In other words, these fears & pains were warping my reality & feeding into my fears.

The mindsets that needed shifting:

  • I was no where close to achieving my vision of success based on how my ego defined it (money & numbers)
  • Feeling stuck in a scarcity mindset - always feeling like I need more
  • Whatever I do is never good enough
  • I'm running low of time (based on self-expectations)

It's important to note that all of these are old stories of mine that were getting triggered at this point in time. I didn't notice that I fell back into them at first, I noticed it as frustration and feeling stuck in external things. However, everything outside of us reflects what's going on within.

The perspective shift:

I went through each limiting belief/mindset and dissected it/worked to shift it into perspectives based on true reality instead of fake reality.

This is what I uncovered:

  • I was so caught up in ego wants that I was out of touch with what was aligned with my soul
  • Because of that, I didn't even realize what was right in front of me: what I am doing is literally perfectly aligned with what sparked my passion for starting this business; the opportunity to spread my message so simply and powerfully that it can change people's lives in an instant
  • I am exactly where I am meant to be
  • What I think and feel will ALWAYS be directly reflected in everything I do

Bottom line, I was taking positives & turning them into negatives when realistically those positives were literally communicating to me that I AM DOING EVERYTHING I WAS AFRAID I WASN’T.

Moral of the story: become aware of which thoughts are rooted in ego, fear, & pain. Oftentimes these are showing you a false reality and keeping you stuck in a place that will only ever reflect those fears.

P.S. Things in my external world started shifting almost immediately after acknowledging this and doing mindset & releasing work.


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