Do you have trapped mindsets?

Trapped mindsets are the result of trapped emotions & traumas.

They are the internal and external expression of the emotions and traumas you have suppressed.

They are the:

  • beliefs
  • perspectives
  • stories
  • mindsets

...that you adopt as a result of past trauma.

Here's an example of what this looks like:

Say as a child someone felt sadness (emotion) as a result of their pet dog running away (trauma).

However, the response they received from their parent was “don’t cry, you’re being overdramatic.”

As a result, this child pushed down the sadness (trapping the emotion) and created the belief that being sad is a dramatic response and stopped expressing it.

Later in life, that sadness will continue to stay trapped, mostly unconsciously.

However, the adopted belief will mold the responses they have to anything that is upsetting (that outward expression).

This could look like being seen as “cold” or that they will do anything to avoid the sadness of loss, and therefore, self-sabotage relationships.

Have you experienced something like this, Reader?

Something that led to the adoption of mindsets that have shaped every decision you make, the way you behave in relationships, and/or your interactions with your work (to name a few)?

Maybe you can pinpoint some that have impacted your life positively.

And others that are formed on the basis of your pains.

Chances are you have something you can think of because it's part of being human.

I know I do! And I've had a lot I've had to release.

This is why releasing trapped mindsets is a part of my work.

The purpose of releasing these is to provide you with the conscious choice to create mindsets that are more aligned with your highest self rather than your ego, fears, and past pains.

So, my question for you is this...

Do you feel like you have trapped mindsets that are blocking you from experiencing a life of full alignment?

Emotion and Trauma Release Coaching is designed to help you shift out of living from a state of unconscious pain and into a state of mindful alignment with yourself.

It's main purpose is to release trapped emotions, traumas, and mindsets such as the ones talked about above.

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